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Confronting the Scamming Pandemic

Confronting the Scamming Pandemic

These are complicated times for all of us worldwide, and we are trying to protect ourselves from the current world situation and economic crisis.
While the world attempts to regain control, scammers and hackers around the globe have found these uncertain times serving them well and use the Global Pandemic to enable their activities.
Scammers seem to have no moral quandaries in using even this crisis to steal money.
Concern for their health, as well as the uncertainty of the financial situation, brings many people to plan out their next steps – such as where to purchase protective gear, or how to find a profitable investment, all in the hope of a better future.
As a result, a noticeable amount of new websites have registered with domain names related to the disease, thus using the Global Pandemic for phishing attempts. Many of these websites are known to be related to malicious activities, such as scam websites that claim to sell face masks, vaccines, and home tests to detect the virus. Hackers with lookalike domains, spelling errors and unknown email sources are exploiting the global pandemic to spread spam related to the outbreak, and encouraging victims to open harmful documents in order to steal their information.
Likewise, there are plenty of scammers and scam websites offering “smart investments”, ways to invest small amounts of money and turn it into thousands of dollars”, “minimum risk” & “sure wins”.
Dubious trading companies lure the victims to their websites with the promise of escaping the financial crisis in exchange for a small amount of money, thus encouraging the victim to invest in order to win thousands of dollars.
Thousands of people are falling victim to scammers every day, especially in times of economic crisis, when people desperately need a life raft and available profit solution. There are many who have lost all their savings, pensions and even their homes, due to investing in fraudulent companies who not only failed to make any profit, but in fact created severe losses.
It is crucial to understand that there is no magic solution; an offer of big profits in a short period of time with a minimal investment, should raise a red flag.
Moreover, scammers often outwit the authorities who work to eradicate this phenomenon, and therefore it is often difficult to “save” the victims. It is unfortunately common to see authorities, banks and police refuse to stand by the victims, instead choosing to accuse them of negligence, blaming them for their losses, and simply not recognizing the victim as someone whose money was stolen.
The most available option for victims is legal assistance from recovery companies or lawyers.
Protect yourself, especially in these complicated times. Pay attention to where you invest your money; the best strategy is to err on the side of caution and to verify with whom you are doing business.
If you have lost money to a fraudulent company, there are ways to recover your funds. Remember that there have been many others in the same situation who have regained and recovered their losses; there is always hope

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